Gray Plaid Archer Button Up

get link Hello! So I haven’t blogged since February and I’m not “ablogagizing”, just stating a fact. I have probably missed blogging more than you have missed me, but I am back nonetheless. It’s been an interesting year. My goal this year was to have more fun, which I feel like I succeeded in doing. I went on some amazing trips: a fun canoe trip, an epic family wedding, an anniversary getaway at my favorite local vintage trailer park and my annual escape to Camp Workroom Social. In February, Matt and I swapped rooms we use as studios, so now I have a bigger and better sewing space. It just took some time to get it back in working order, so it took me out of the game for a bit. It’s also been a big year of personal growth and career development, as I’ve been focusing on learning more about digital marketing in any way I can. So you know, these things all take up time!

Tramadol Online Best Price The project that finally got me sewing regularly again was this Grainline Studio Archer Button Up. I was motivated by my upcoming trip to Camp Workroom Social and figured this would be a great fall shirt to wear up in the beautiful Catskill mountains. I made the muslin over a year ago and I all I needed to do was adjust the pattern. I lengthened the sleeves 1″, added 1″ to the length and took the shoulders in 1/2″. It had been so long since I started this project and I had moved studios in between, so when I finally went to look for the fabric, I couldn’t find it.  I had bought the fabric so long ago, that I doubted I would be able to buy it again. I was just about to give up when I finally remembered one of the many spots I had squirreled away fabric in the move. This would probably be a totally boring story to most people, but I have a feeling there are many sewists out there (with sizable fabric collections) that have experienced this very thing. Does it mean I have too much fabric or just need to be more organized?

Safe Tramadol Online Anyway, once I found my fabric and was able to get cutting I was feeling rusty on matching plaids, so I decided to just take my time cutting the fabric and I’m so glad I did. I feel like my pattern matching is totally on point!

here The back yoke, pockets and the cuffs were all cut on the bias. I also wanted pointed pockets for a more Western shirt look, so I used the pocket pattern piece from the Negroni shirt I made for Matt a couple of years ago.

source link We sewists have the bad habit of pointing out our mistakes, but I am convinced I sewed the cuffs on backwards and need the opinion of the sewing hive mind on this. Shouldn’t it button the other way? I asked a fellow camper who was also wearing an Archer Button Up, and her’s buttoned the same way as mine, but I am still not convinced. I think we both did it wrong.

see url

get link The placket still looks good even if it is upside down. In the realm of mistakes it’s not a big deal. The shirt is still totally functional and like most sewing mistakes, no one will ever notice unless I point it out. It just feels a little weird to button. I plan to make so many more of these, so even if it was designed this way, I’m going to sew it differently next time.  In fact, I have already started a second one. I figured now was a good time while I still had the pattern pieces out! I picked up a beautiful polka dot chambray from Purl Soho when I was in New York, so the fabric cutting was sooo much easier!

I feel a color theme emerging with grays lately, so this shirt goes really well with my Brooklyn Tweed Bray cap. If you have read my blog before, you may have noticed it has a new look. I had felt like this blog was due for a refresh for some time and figured with the extended blog break, now was as good a time as any to do that.  I loved my old logo, but it was designed when this was more of a gardening blog and I wanted something cleaner and simpler that reflected more of the sewing theme. I picked blue and gray for the new logo because I am realizing those are the colors I like to wear and sew the most. Let me know what you think!

11 thoughts on “Gray Plaid Archer Button Up

    1. watch Thanks Ann! The fabric is a nice weight (a little heavier than most of my ready-made button ups) and the bigger plaid made it a little easier to plaid match. It is nice to have a shirt that fits so well. I am tall so sleeves are often too short on me!

  1. see url Welcome back! The blog refresh and the archer look fantastic! I love the term “ablogagizing”…that cracked me up. I feel like I do that all the time because my posting is so sporadic.

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