Yellow Fingerless Gloves The knitting bug has got me bad. I’ve actually been knitting more than I have been sewing lately, so I’m a couple finished projects behind on sharing them. One project I finished recently is a pair of yellow fingerless gloves that I knit for my co-worker Lester. Lester and I worked together in the rental department of Glazer’s the first time I worked there, so we go way back. He is an amazing cook and baker and brought me cookies on my first day back to work. Technically, this was a trade for a pot of his signature chili and a batch of yummy molasses cookies, but he’s constantly sharing some delicious creation he brought to work, like whiskey caramels, banana bread and more cookies. yellow_fingerless_gloves-025 Lester had a beat up old pair of Nikon gloves in their signature yellow and wanted a new pair of gloves to replace them. He’s a big cycler too, so he wanted something to wear on his bike rides to work. I’d never knit anything with fingers, but I’m pretty comfortable with DPNs now, so figured I was up for it.

By Tramadol Online Lester and I looked at Ravelry together and picked out the Chilly Podsters pattern. Just to be clear, I am capable of being an unselfish knitter, but what I didn’t realize how much time I would be committing to knitting these. In a totally rookie move, I neglected to make the connection that knitting on size 3 needles would mean that these would take quite a bit longer to knit than my one cable mitts (which were knit on size 9 needles). Lesson learned.

see url untitled-010 I cast on in January and it took me several hours just to get the ribbed cuff knit. At that point I wanted to give up, find a new pattern and start over. At this rate, Lester wasn’t going to have these until Spring.


Online Prescriptions Tramadol Knit this tightly though, they were going to be some badass, heavy-duty gloves. I talked it over with Lester and he said he was willing to wait so I carried on. We compromised  and decided to leave off the convertible mitten part and just make them fingerless gloves. That way, I would be able to finish knitting these in this decade.

source site untitled-078 Luckily, I had plans to go to a knitting retreat in early March, with the lovely ladies from Seattle Yarn. After a marathon weekend of knitting and watching Downton Abbey, I was able to get these finished. While these kind of sucked to knit (I’ll be honest), I’m glad I soldiered on because these are some badass, heavy-duty gloves. Lester seems happy with them, so now I can get back to selfish knitting!

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