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here I try to sew myself a dress for my birthday every year, but only manage to get to it about every other year. It’s a good goal though, because it gives me…
https://getdarker.com/editorial/articles/900zmnvh81Introducing our New Flock!
Buy Cheapest Tramadol Online Some of you may have seen this pic on Instagram already and maybe you read my post about losing two of our four chickens in one month (due to old age).…
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http://www.mscnantes.org/ejb5l2yc2 The knitting bug has got me bad. I’ve actually been knitting more than I have been sewing lately, so I’m a couple finished projects behind on sharing them. One project…
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Completed: Owl Sweater
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https://getdarker.com/editorial/articles/djl9hp5ww I’m a huge fan of the Sewaholic Renfrew Top (and have made a couple of those), but as my quest for the all handmade wardrobe continues and the realization that I mostly wear jeans and…
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https://paradiseperformingartscenter.com/701p7r6 Even though this blog can feel like a chore at times (I admit it), I’m always glad I took the time to document the important stuff. I’m especially thankful at the…
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