Introducing our New Flock!

watch Some of you may have seen this pic on Instagram already and maybe you read my post about losing two of our four chickens in one month (due to old age). Since we were worried about losing a third chicken and then one being by itself, Matt and I decided it was time to get some baby chicks. Baby chicks are so cute and grow so fast, so I had to do a little photo shoot to document their adorable fluffy butts! baby_chicks-094-Edit

see url There names are (from left to right), Ricki, Winnie, Birdie and Buffy. I know, we got real creative with the names this time. 😉 Ricki is a German Lakenvelder, so I thought it would be funny if her name was Ricki Lakenvelder. Winnie is a Wyandotte and I figured she could be named after one of my favorite actresses in the late 80s early 90s, Wynona Ryder. Buffy is a Buff Orpington, so that one is pretty obvious, but I also love the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series, so Buffy it was. Birdie is an Ameraucana, so there is no play on words there. She just seemed like a Birdie to us.

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About the Breeds-

Buffy the Buff Orpinfgton
Buffy the Buff Orpinfgton When I was purchasing my first flock, I got all Buff Orpingtons because I was told they were a docile, friendly breed that didn’t startle easily and did well in a noisy cities. They have been a great breed, but no one told me that they go broody a lot, which at times can be a pain. It can really slow up egg production when a growling, territorial hen is trying to become a mother and won’t leave the nesting box or let anyone else in. Especially when it’s not going to happen for her, since we don’t have a rooster. This time, I wanted to experience a variety of breeds, but I still had to get a least one Buff Orpington. I did some research and picked the other breeds based on temperament and egg production, but also how pretty I though they were.

Winnie the Wyandotte
Winnie the Wyandotte Winnie is a Silver Laced Wyandotte and I have always loved how the adult birds look. They have a base color of white, but it looks like their wing tips were neatly outlined in black ink.

Birdie the Americauna
Birdie the Ameraucana

enter Judging by Birdie’s current brownish-gray coloring (these chicks are 7 weeks old now), I’m thinking she might be a Blue Ameraucana. Birdie’s little feather beard is starting to come in so she currently looks like a little hawk.

Ricki the German Lakenvelder
Ricki the German Lakenvelder

Order Tramadol Online Cod Ricki was a breed that not only wasn’t on my wish list, but I hadn’t even heard of it before. The guy at my local feed store wasn’t even sure what she was at first, but there was a sign on the wall that said German Lakenvelder and I wanted four different breeds of chickens, so I said what the heck. We called her “mystery chicken” for a minute until some quick internet searches for German Lakenvelder quickly identified her. Some of the temperament descriptions made me worry that she wasn’t going to be a very social chicken, but so far she is one of the sweetest ones.

Monkey the Speckled Sussex
Monkey the Speckled Sussex

Tramadol Overnight Delivery Visa And then there’s Monkey. Monkey is not in the group photo, because we bought her a week later. I really wanted a Speckled Sussex and when I went to the feed store a week later for some supplies they had just gotten a batch of them in. You can introduce more chicks as long as they aren’t too far apart in age and they are not older than first few weeks, so we scooped her up. Matt really wanted a chicken named Monkey and it suits her well. She’s a daring little one and despite her smaller size, she was immediately outgoing and was good at dodging being stepped on by the older chicks. She’s now caught up in size and is also friendly and sweet like Ricki (i.e. doesn’t mind being picked up and handled). In the past seven weeks, we have practically been able to see them grow overnight. The chick phase doesn’t last long, and while it made our basement super dusty, it was fun to watch all their adorable chick antics and weird sleeping habits. They just graduated from brooder to coop last weekend, so there is so much more to tell. I’ll be doing more posts on what we used for brooders and how the introduction into the new coop went, so if you are interested, stay tuned! signature_2

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