2020 Year in Review

Buy Cheapest Tramadol It’s taken me a couple of weeks to figure out what I want to say about 2020. Previous year in review posts pale in comparison to this one and I’ve had some crazy years! The year started normal enough, but no one (except maybe Bill Gates) expected what would soon come.

Tramadol Buy Cod Unlike previous years, I don’t need to tell you what happened. We were all there and it’s still is happening.

go to link Fortunately, both Matt and I have stayed employed since the start of the pandemic. We had brief periods at the beginning where our hours were either reduced or non-existent, but as safety measures and plans for moving forward were put into place, we were both able to return to work fairly quickly.

Tramadol Online Cod Payment I have been mostly working from home since last March. As a marketing manager, I’ve been especially busy as digital marketing: email marketing, social media, video content, virtual events, etc. have become my primary focus. It’s been good to stay busy and I am constantly grateful to not only be employed, but to work with the people that I do. I’m also happy to be working somewhere that is committed to anti-racism, equity, and inclusion. It’s one place where I feel like I can actually help make a difference.

go to link Outside of work, sewing, knitting, and gardening were especially instrumental in keeping me sane. When the weather was nice, we spent a lot of time outdoors. I was incredibly grateful for our lovely garden and outdoor spaces.


https://www.mreavoice.org/k1a95xta0u Matt continued to work on the greenhouse and built a bunch more shelves and a potting table that converts into a bench, that I made cushions for. The greenhouse is still a work in progress, but it’s almost complete enough for me to do a tour of it, so be on the look out for that this spring or summer!


2020 Makes



    • Like most sewists in 2020, I made a bunch of masks
    • Participated in sanity saving sewing Zooms with Seattle Sews and Camp Workroom Social people
    • Did a couple of Zoom sew alongs with friends, such as the Clare Coat with my Seattle Sews friend Kylie and the Seamwork Audrey Jacket (completed in 2021) with my friend Cara
    • Some trends: I sewed a lot of Closet Core Patterns (what can I say, they just fit me well) and used up fabric from my stash including some of the free fabric I had gotten from swaps
    • Fabric stores being closed to the public and long shipping times, forced me to be better about making do with with what I had

    Completed sewing projects

    Pattern Testing



    • Lots of knitting or crocheting in 2020
    • Since I no longer had a commute, my morning routine before work was to knit or crochet while listening to the news

    Completed knitting or crochet projects

    follow Even with the financial stability Matt and I were able to maintain in 2020, it was still an emotional and anxiety ridden year. With everything going on (pandemic, racial justice movement), it was very hard to focus on work or anything else really. There were (and still are) times where everything felt like an accomplishment: getting up, getting dressed, going to the store, making it through the day, but I did the best I could. The idea of gratitude has carried me through this time. I realize how fortunate and privileged I am. I have a lot to be grateful for. That said, this has also been a very introspective time.

    https://onlineconferenceformusictherapy.com/2025/02/22/cu5qwlf Being immunocompromised from the medication I am on for Crohn’s proved to be especially challenging in 2020. For one thing, it made showing up to the Black Lives Matter protests or getting involved in-person in any way not a great idea for me, so instead, Matt and I supported black-owned businesses, donated money where we could, worked on educating ourselves on how to be anti-racist, and most importantly, we voted.

    https://mocicc.org/agricultura/u322bv9 With an insurrection at the nation’s capitol and rising COVID cases, 2021 hasn’t started off so great. I don’t know what to expect, but I have to have hope. There is a light at the end of the tunnel with a vaccine and a new president. I know it won’t fix everything, but it’s a step in the right direction. In the meantime, I will continue to find joy where I can, get involved however I can, celebrate in small ways, and take care of my mental health via projects at home.

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      http://www.mscnantes.org/jbwp29a On a happier note, Matt and I ended 2020 by welcoming a new puppy into our home! She is a wonderful distraction and it’s hard to wake up in a bad mood with her around.

      https://dcinematools.com/ss5mxpd2e Happy New Year from Matt and I and all of #theanimalsofrakeandmakeranch. I hope you are all staying safe and healthy as well!

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