2 thoughts on “FARM TO TABLE

  1. I just found your site and am enjoying it. But I cannot find your favorite zucchini tomato tart recipe – link is diverted to something else. Would you be willing to add it to your recipes?

    Thank you!
    Penny Chambers
    Bellingham WA

    1. Thanks Penny! Oh yeah, that is a bummer about that link. It used to link to a recipe on Willi Galloway’s blog Diggin’ Food. That post is so old and sadly, her blog doesn’t exist anymore. I should try to recreate that recipe though and post it here. It is very good. The way she did it was with refrigerated crescent rolls as the base and then you just grill zucchini and top the (slightly pre-baked) dough with zucchini, tomatoes, basil and parmesan!

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