DIY Wedding Decorations

Tramadol 200Mg Online Getting sick of wedding posts yet? I hope not, because I still have a few things to share! Don’t worry, this won’t be a long, wordy post or a tutorial or any kind. I just wanted to show you guys the rest of the wedding decorations we made, because they came together so nicely. Plus, I listed where we got everything, in case you wanted to know.

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Amy Kiel Photography
photo by Amy Kiel Photography Matt was able to repurpose some sandwich boards that his step-dad had made to protect some of the plants on their deck in the winter. He sprayed them with chalkboard paint and then hand drew and lettered the signage to go out on the street and at the end of the road.
Amy Kiel Photography
photo by Amy Kiel Photography

Online Prescriptions Tramadol He also made all this signage with a neat sign making jig he bought at the Woodcraft store near us.

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Amy Kiel Photography
photo by Amy Kiel Photography The birch for the signs and the arbor came off the property.
Amy Kiel Photography
photo by Amy Kiel Photography Matt’s mom borrowed the beautiful container plants from a friend!

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Amy Kiel Photography
photo by Amy Kiel Photography  I bought these letters at Joann Fabric and spray painted them for the photo booth.

Amy Kiel Photography
photo by Amy Kiel Photography The background for the photo booth was made from the leftover burlap I had from making the bunting. I sewed three panels of it together to get a wider width. We also bought some small chalkboards from Joann’s to use as signage.

Amy Kiel Photography
photo by Amy Kiel Photography

see url Matt constructed the big chalkboard for the seating arrangement. I drew the tables and Flower wrote in the names with her nice handwriting!

Amy Kiel Photography
photo by Amy Kiel Photography

follow The galvanized vases came from Seattle Floral Supply and the flowers we got in bulk and arranged ourselves from the Stray Cat Flower Farm.

Amy Kiel Photography
photo by Amy Kiel Photography

Tramadol Cheap The table cards were designed by me, with assets from Creative Market and were printed by Zazzle. The adorable candles on the tables were provided and hand decorated by Flower, with all sorts of fun materials like burlap, ribbon, string and chicken feathers.

Amy Kiel Photography
photo by Amy Kiel Photography

go here I was amazed at how the house became a wedding venue seemingly overnight. In reality it took days, but it was so cool to see what we could do. It also took everyone helping out; me, Matt, Flower, Matt’s mom, step-dad, sisters and their boyfriends, cousins and aunts… everyone! It really is fun to look back, so a big thank you goes out to all our friends and family that helped create such wonderful memories!

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