Cloth Habit Harriet Bra

watch You guys! I made a bra! And I made it over a year ago! In fact, I made it at Camp Workroom Social in 2016. Not last year, but the freakin’…

Cotton and Steel Garden Apron As I write this post, it’s a fairly typical rainy and windy Seattle day. I don’t mind this time of year because this is when I can stay indoors and…

Camp Workroom Social 2017

watch It’s been almost a month since I was at Camp Workroom Social and I try to keep the “camp” feeling alive as long as I can after it ends. What…

Gray Plaid Archer Button Up

go to link Hello! So I haven’t blogged since February and I’m not “ablogagizing”, just stating a fact. I have probably missed blogging more than you have missed me, but I am back…

2017 Goals I’m not a big fan of New Year’s resolutions, but sometimes the new year is just the push I need to do the things I’ve been thinking about for a while.…

2016 Year In Review Happy New Year! Wait, what? It’s February, I know, but due to too many New Year’s resolutions (Whole30, a fitness challenge and getting back into ukulele lessons), this is the first…

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Hetty Cardigan- A Blue Sweater for a Blue State

follow link Happy post Thanksgiving weekend! Hope you all had a good one. I spent Thanksgiving day with friends, talking about how especially thankful we are (post-election) to have each other and to…


Brooklyn Tweed Bray Cap in Truffle Hunt Shelter I’m still trying to get my back log of completed projects posted and am especially behind on knitting projects. This is the Brooklynn Tweed Bray Cap in Shelter that I finished back in…

Staple Dress #2- Birds in Flight Double Gauze

Tramadol Buy Online Usa I’m happy to say, I have been sewing and knitting like crazy and I have several projects backlogged to share. This little number is the April Rhodes Staple Dress sewn in a…

Roasted Garlic and Yellow Tomato Soup We’re a finicky lot here in the Pacific Northwest. It’s true that it rains a lot in the winter, so we crave sunny and warm days. We had a especially beautiful…