More gardening inspiration

enter site Before I bought my house, when I lived in a loft in Pioneer Square, with no place to even think of growing anything, I started photo assisting for photographer Jim Henkens. Jim is another reason why I started gardening. If there was down time on shoots, he would tell me about his vegetable garden and the delicious things he cooked from the food he grew.

Cheapest Tramadol Overnight Jim’s garden is amazing. It’s like a little Italian oasis! Here a few shots I took with my iPhone one day:

get link Jim would also show me the beautiful pictures he took of his own garden, things he cooked, trips he took and other photography jobs.

Tramadol Buy Overnight Now, Jim has done all the photography for Willi Galloway’s new book Grow Cook Eat: A Food Lover’s Guide to Vegetable Gardening.
Willi is also the author of one of my favorite blogs Diggin Food.

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go I haven’t picked the book up yet, but it’s definitely a must have. I took a quick peak of Jim’s copy, at work one day. It’s chock full of great information and recipes from Willi and gorgeous photos from Jim. I plan on picking up a copy at The Book Larder in Fremont this Saturday, February 25th, where they are hosting an event for the book’s release from 6:30-8pm.


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