follow site This post is double awesome, because not only do I get to show off something I made, but it gives me an excuse to introduce our new puppy, Wyatt, and talk a little bit about where he came from and how we got him. Wyatt’s a “Georgia Peach” puppy, meaning we adopted him from a puppy rescue that some of my fellow rollergirls started about a year ago. Out of all the post derby projects that I’ve seen start up, this one has got to be the coolest and the best cause. Founded by Mia Schwartz (a.k.a. Primp Daddy, of my team the Throttle Rockets), and run by a board of directors that includes another Rat City alum, Leah Lesperance (a.k.a. Georgia O’Greefe of Grave Danger), the Georgia Peaches’ mission is to rescue puppies from high kill shelters, primarily one in Georgia. I have always believed in rescuing animals, as opposed to adopting from a breeder, but I wasn’t aware of the volume of puppies that are euthanized in many of the Southeastern states, such as Georgia. You can read more about in on the Georgia Peaches Facebook page, but the bottom line is that there is an overpopulation problem in many of these areas, due to people not spaying and neutering their pets. The shelters don’t have room for all these puppies, and they are not being adopted, so a large number of them are put down.
Can You Order Tramadol Online Matt and I lost a dog last fall (a wonderful chocolate Lab mix named Sid, who was also a rescue). We knew we wanted to get another dog eventually and that we wanted to rescue a dog. We had heard about what Mia and Leah and the Georgia Peaches were doing, so it made sense to support them. So after many months of constantly checking the Georgia Peaches Facebook page and spamming Matt with puppy pictures, we finally found Wyatt.
source Long story short, he’s perfect and we love him. I highly recommend checking out the Georgia Peaches Facebook page. Even if you are not looking to adopt, there are so many ways to get involved and help support them by volunteering, donating, fostering, etc.. Okay, now on to Wyatt’s puppy pillow that I made. Wyatt needed a nice new bed, and my motivation for getting this made quickly was that he is getting fixed on November 1st and I wanted him to have a nice soft spot to sleep and recover.
watch The pattern is from One Yard Wonders and the fabric is from my fave local fabric store, the West Seattle Fabric Company. It’s Christmas fabric, but it was on sale and since Wyatt will probably eat this bed at some point, I didn’t want to spend too much money on it. I chose blue for the piping in hopes that it would take away from the Christmasy look a little bit.

Order Tramadol 180 Cod Wyatt immediately climbed in his new bed as soon as I had finished it and put it down on the ground for him. He was asleep before I had even finished taking pictures of him in it! His new bed looks great!! I didn’t get the “Christmas” vibe from it at all because of the blue!! I guess I should make one for Scooter!! Lol!!
enter site Alisha, you should make one! It was pretty easy and inexpensive. This bed is all once piece (stuffed and sewn shut). The stuffing is washable, but I think it will probably get lumpy if I put it in the wash. I’ve heard there are tricks, like washing it with a tennis ball, so I can try that for this one. If I make any more of these, I think I’ll make the bed with a removable cover, so it’s easier to wash.
follow That last photo of him curled up and sleeping – priceless! The bed looks great a, I didn’t think “christmas” when I first saw the fabric. The piping is a nice touch too! Thanks Christina! Green is kind of Wyatt’s color. He is nudie in these photos (because he had just had a bath), but his collar and leash are green too.
follow site Adorable photo of Wyatt crashed out on his super cute new bed! He is such a sweetie!
Can You Order Tramadol Online Ooohh.. We need to make a couple of these.. Gus has one and he loves it. The other dog beds we have are more like throws for the car.. no cushion. Saus(age) and Toby are totally jealous of Gus’ bed!