2014 Goals

watch New year, new goals! So here goes…

follow site follow url GARDENING-

https://mocicc.org/agricultura/riddtly Herb Garden- The area of my garden that I allotted for growing herbs has never been ideal. It was more of an afterthought, shoved into a dark corner, that was the only space I had left. Last year, Matt removed a tree that was an invasive, opening up the herb garden space and providing a lot more light. Matt’s going to own the herb garden this year, which will be great, and then I can focus on the rest. He already has plans for building boxes and has been planning out what herbs he wants to grow. It’ll be nice to finally have a successful herb garden!

https://alldayelectrician.com/g44st9nnja follow url COOKING-

https://guelph-real-estate.ca/l7cz4h8w Master Preserver’s class at Seattle Tilth- I waffled on taking this class last year and then it passed me by, but I am for sure going to take it this year. This class will certify me to teach food preservation, so I can finally feel comfortable blogging about it more.

https://danivoiceovers.com/y6uda2oyv follow CRAFTS-

go to site Attend Knitting Night at Seattle Yarn- I am at the point where I am ready to start a sweater (the Miette), but feel like I will need help doing it, so my plan is to start attending a weekly knitting night. My local yarn store, Seattle Yarn, hosts one on Wednesday nights and I will be attending this week for the first time. I already have my project bag packed!

https://lpgventures.com/xus5v2hjbt 2013_goals-003

https://penielenv.com/44fb1b1hlr9 Knit at least one sweater, if not more-  Part of the above goal. Maybe I should start planning my second sweater project now! The Miette was recommended to me as a great beginner’s sweater, but does anyone have recommendations on what would be a good project after that?

go to site ava_pattern-001

https://www.mreavoice.org/qwajnw74c Make my own wedding dress– This is a huge one and kind of why I am trying not to overload myself with a lot of other goals this year. I already determined that I wanted something with a sheer yoke, cap sleeves and a circle skirt, and a reader suggested the Ava Pattern from Victory patterns, so I ordered that up and it’s already here. Now that the holidays are over, it’s time to bust that puppy out and start making some muslins. I expect fitting to take a while. I’m also a bit nervous about working with fine, slippery fabrics. Anyone have any suggestions for fabric? Or know of any magic fabric out there that is suitable for a wedding dress, but easy to work with?

https://penielenv.com/qz6oc9z3 https://www.yolascafe.com/bpon37gmr OVERALL BLOG GOALS-

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click Video Content– You may or may not have seen my semi-cringe worthy first video post. I swear I am not really that wacko. Something about being in front of a video camera just makes my face do weird things apparently. I just needed to pop my video cherry, so I wanted to get something out there ASAP. The first time is always ackward, right? Now we can move on.

Tramadol Online Sale But seriously, I am excited to learn more about video and hope to do some cool video content this year. Let me know if you have any requests on subjects you would like to see video tutorials on.

http://www.mscnantes.org/3psknyc0sm More interviews- I only did one interview last year, with Sarai Mitnick of Colette Patterns, but I have a list of people (all women so far), that are writers, chefs, gardeners, knitters, quilters, etc.. that I would love to feature on the blog, so hopefully I can talk a few of them into doing that. So be on the look out for that.

Buying Tramadol Online Legal Get some sort of shop set up- I’m not sure if I want this to be Etsy or Shopify or something else… Anyone have any suggestions or experience with either of these?

https://lpgventures.com/onsx4nntgiu Anything you guys would like to see on here that I didn’t mention? Anything you want to see less of? More of? Let me know. I would love your feedback!

9 thoughts on “2014 Goals

  1. go to link I want to recover some lawn chairs I bought at Pier One that were glued rather than properly caned. can’t get past “finding the supplies needed” stage? 3 places I found are out of business.

  2. https://paradiseperformingartscenter.com/qvo5i3n Those are awesome goals!! I can’t wait to see the progress on everything that you want to do. I am SO drawn to the Miette sweater. It’s so cute and retro. I’ve finally come to the realization that I am just not a knitter. I also love the video! You are so brave. I am still struggle with even showing my face in a still shot, let alone a video. Here’s to 2014!!

  3. https://onlineconferenceformusictherapy.com/2025/02/22/tik5cn5re Great goals! I made my wedding dress out of a totally gorgeous lightweight wool, it was cream colored with an unusual twill-like texture. I also have in my stash a lovely, super drapey, super light wool with brown and blue yarns, it’s even shiny. I am a little biased since I’ve been working with wool and felt for quite a while, but it’s undeniable that wool is a dream to work with! And breathable, I can’t imagine it would be too hot unless you’re having a destination wedding in the tropics or something. 🙂 Anyway, that’s my suggestion to make your dress fancy without tearing your hair out, look for some really nice summer-weight wool.

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