Rake and Make is two!

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follow On this day, two years ago, after years of stalling, hemming and hawing over the name, and then finally landing on a name and getting a logo made, I made my first post to Rake and Make. I still haven’t found the time to post more than once a week (and sometimes less), so I haven’t even hit 100 posts yet. This blog is still a baby!

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https://getdarker.com/editorial/articles/0uy4fac1o4 Where my blog may lack in quantity, I think I make up for it in quality. I don’t post, just to post. I write when I have some knowledge or a finished project to share, so I feel good about that.


https://guelph-real-estate.ca/7jwq7qcw4 Looking back at old posts, I remember things I had forgotten, get nostalgic about a time of year or a holiday and then get excited for the upcoming seasons and associated projects. So regardless of whether or not anyone is reading, this blog is a great record for me.

Tramadol Legal To Buy Online With my upcoming wedding and consequent wedding dress construction posts, things are going to be especially exciting this year. Who knows what else we’ll be making for the wedding, but I plan on sharing any and all of it on here, so I am super excited about that.

follow Thank you to everyone who has followed me, written me, commented and complimented me on this blog. I love that there is engagement on this blog. I have made friends with, and learned things from, commenters and that is exactly what I wanted to happen.

https://www.mbtn.net/?p=0ctgq7x8xq0 In honor of my blog’s two-year anniversary, I had t-shirts made. In case you missed it, they are for sale in my store.

https://lpgventures.com/2biyxyvpi I’m proud of my little blog and don’t have any plans of stopping! Thank you all so much for the encouragement. Here’s to another great year!

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