I haven’t posted for a couple of weeks and some of you may have wondered where I’ve been. If you have been reading this blog for a while, you may have read a post or two about my mom. I gotta admit, it’s been a crazy couple of years, with my mom getting sick and going into a nursing home, but now there is some good news! site My mom is doing so well that she graduated from skilled nursing and into assisted living! The folks at her nursing home took such good care of her and are a huge part of why she is doing so well (I can’t thank them enough), but even the staff there will tell you that it’s nowhere anyone wants to be. It’s more of a hospital environment and not very independent at all. Now she has her own apartment! I don’t want to go to far into it, for fear of embarrassing my mom or encroaching on her privacy (she does have internet now), but all I have to say is that my mom is amazing. She kept saying thank you to Matt and I for all we have done for her, but she is really the one that did all the hard work. She had a long road to recovery and there was a time the docs weren’t sure she ever would (recover fully). They even told me at one point they weren’t sure she would ever walk again. She wasn’t ready to go though, she told me so, so she fought and did all the hard work and physical therapy and proved the docs wrong.
Online Rx Tramadol I am so proud of, and inspired by, my mom and I am grateful for this new beginning for her… and our family. This new apartment opens up all sorts of possibilities for a full independent life for my mom and for family visits, so it is a good thing all around. Plus, I appointed myself my mom’s “interior decorator” so I can’t say I mind helping her nest a little bit!
source site So that’s where I’ve been, helping her move and get settled in. Sometimes family comes first! I am so, so, so happy for her recovery! You know I understand how hard it all is from what we went through with my Dad. Go Mom go! You brought tears to my eyes. I am SO happy as to how well this has all worked out. Let’s go celebrate. 🙂 That is wonderful news, Lilly. What a trooper she is. Your mom is so cute too! Let me know if she needs any items for her new place.