Gardening… and life and death.

go Let me start by saying, my mom is alive and doing well. We did have a hospital scare last week, that had me fretting, missing work (and some blog posting)…

Onion scape and radish salad with honey mustard vinaigrette and grilled pizza

Tramadol Online By Cod Did you know you could eat onion scapes? Do you know what an onion scape is? I didn’t until recently! I had heard of garlic scapes from Willi Galloway’s post on Diggin Food about…

A Bartenders Dilemma: What do we do with all the Crown Royal Bags? A Bartenders Dilemma: What to do with the Crown Royal Bags? Thanks Lilly for letting me do a guest post my Crown Royal bag, sewing extravaganza. I’m a bartender at…


Spring Garden Explosion

Order Tramadol Online Canada I’m breaking the rules already. I tried to work in the garden and Charlie was so upset that I left him in the house, so I had to bring him…

Change is good

Order Tramadol Overnight Mastercard Change is good,change is good, change is good, ohm…… this has become my new mantra. I have to touch back on this thought often these days. There are big things…

Palette Challenge update: Crepe dress

click here We’ve been having some pretty nice weather in Seattle lately, so I’ve been doing more gardening than sewing lately. My dog Charlie, is usually my garden helper. He likes to…

Transplanting Tips: The quest for homemade sauerkraut continues! Remember the cabbage seeds that I started indoors back in March? Well, here they are now and they are ready to be transplanted in the ground! I hardened them off…

Palette Challenge Project #1- Truffle Dress

go to link I completed my first project for the Colette Patterns 2012 Spring/Summer Palette Challenge and I couldn’t be more pleased. I have to be honest, as my third ever handmade garment attempt, I…


Roasted Dandelion Root Tea

go to site A cautionary note; if you are allergic to plants in the daisy family, take caution with dandelions.  Also, if you are harvesting dandelions, be sure to do so from areas…

A sunny Sunday in the garden: thinning’s not so painful when you have chickens… and a short rant on weeds.

follow Everything is growing in the garden right now, including the weeds. I have been told that a weed is just something in the garden you do not want. I also…

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