As I gear up for Fall and Winter weather, I have been spending less time in the garden and more time in my studio. Mostly I’ve just been cleaning it lately, since it was kind of a disaster from a Summer full of just throwing stuff in there and then running outside. My studio hasn’t been this clean in a long time, so I figured now was good time to give y’all a little studio tour. It’s changed and morphed a bit over the years. I hope these photos aren’t a total assault to the eyeballs. I was hopped up on Rockstar when I picked the paint color. I’m too lazy/busy to change it, so I have just gone with it! get linkgo I took the photos in a 360, starting at the doorway. Behind the door is where I store pattern pieces I am currently working with. My shelf storage is a combo of everything; photography stuff, skate stuff, craft stuff and now fabric. Most importantly there is a studio pillow for whatever dog cares to join me while I work. Mickey hogs it mostly these days.
source My studio is small, only about 120 square feet, so I have to utilize the space well. While my ironing board is a bit on the short side, having one that hangs off the door is a real space saver, plus it folds up so I can still open the closet door. Since my iron holder is metal, it’s heat resistant, so I can leave my iron on between pressings and still have it be out of the way. I see the ALEX system from IKEA in use in a lot of sewing studios, probably because the size of the drawer unit makes for great notion, fabric and yarn storage and it looks nice.

enter My curtains certainly leave something to be desired, but heavy “black-out” curtains were a must for color correcting photos in my wedding photography days.
go to site The messiest side of my studio is almost always the photography/business side. My desk is usually piled with mail and receipts, so it was a rare occasion that it was this uncluttered. It will be piled up again in no time, so I took this opportunity to get a few snaps. I got a great deal on these monitors and realize how spoiled I am to have two, but as a working photographer, it’s pretty much the norm. I often have so many programs and windows open, that it’s a luxury to have two monitors. Photoshop tools definitely benefit from having their own monitor, but I especially love it for working in Lightroom. I do love my little studio and it was fun to take a few vignettes of some of my favorite things in there; the gnome Matt used to propose to me, a “W” (for Warner) from the women’s room at a photo studio I worked at, given to me by my then manager as we were moving out and into a new space, fascinating books on color management and digital asset management 😉
click mementos from my skate days… my sewing library and fabric pile…
Online Valium Canada thread and knitting needles… inspirational words from Vincent Van Gogh (print by Mandy England)…
Buy Cheap Tramadol Uk …more fabric piles. Looks like I’ve got plenty to keep me busy this Fall and Winter! I feel so lucky to have a space full of things I like and where I can keep my sewing machine set up and projects out. My studio is still a work in progress though. I could use more storage and some aspects of my studio could function better. Do any of you have creative small space solutions? Do you have objects in your work space that inspire you or just make you happy? I’d love to hear about them! Awesome post and great photos. As usual! 🙂
click I share a studio space with my photographer husband. My half has two important objects which I love for very different reasons. One is a piece of our old kitchen cabinets and sparkly formica counter top from before we remodeled, which I used to hate because it was just so ugly in the kitchen. In the studio though, I can’t get over much I love having it as a big cutting surface and general purpose standing desk (I have my laptop on it right now)!
The second big thing back here is a huge lovely wooden desk that belonged to my beloved grandmother. My sewing machine and supplies sit on it, and there’s enough room all around them for my working projects, which is amazing, especially since the desk I had before was so crowded. I put lots of ribbon, elastic, notions etc. in the drawers that used to hold pencils and office supplies. Even though hearing the sound of those drawers moving in and out sometimes makes me suddenly miss my grandma, I love that something she used every day is now something I use every day, and I love how well her desk works in my world.
enter site Thank you so much for sharing Tasha! I love stories like this. Even if we are not particularly materialistic, certain objects (even mundane ones perhaps) can be very important and have a lot of meaning. I was especially moved by the the part about the drawer sound reminding you of your grandmother. I find sense memories like that so interesting! I know what you mean! Even though I don’t think of myself as a materialistic person, by focusing on handmade and heirloom items, they become really special to me, and more important in a way. It’s funny how I can see the desk every day and just think about how much I like it, but it’s the sound that brings me poignantly back to thinking of her using it.
follow link Such a cute space, I love it! It’s so organized and full of character. This is inspiring me…I need to get my act together and clean up my office/studio/sewing room. Do it! Then blog about it. I want to see! And thanks for the compliments. It’s not exactly the clean, modern, type of craft room I see all over Pinterest these days, but it’s real, it’s what I’ve got and I like it!