Blogcademy Scholarship Entry pdxlax

Tramadol Paypal I really, really, really want to go to this blogging workshop in March, called the Blogcademy. Some of you have probably heard me talk about it on Facebook. It’s two days in Portland and is taught by some of my favorite bloggers, Gala Darling of, Kat Williams of Rock n’ Roll Bride and Shauna Haider of Nubby Twiglet. These ladies are all super talented and know the biz of blogging inside and out, as they have been doing it for years. Not to mention, they all look like they would be a lot of fun to meet and hang out with. So it’s a no-brainer for me, if I get to go to this, I am sure to learn a ton AND have fun. Alas, my heater has broken AGAIN and the money I was going to spend to go to the Blogcademy (my tax return), now has to be spent fixing the furnace. I can’t let my boyfriend and pets freeze! But all is not lost, there is an opportunity for a scholarship, so here is my video application for the Portland Blogcademy. I have to say, putting together this little slideshow was a really fun exercise and and a chance to reflect on all the cool things I have been so lucky to do and be a part of. Let’s hope that the Portland Blogcademy can be added to that list!

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13 thoughts on “Blogcademy Scholarship Entry

  1. follow I loved your blogcademy video. You are incredible! If anyone deserves this scholarship its YOU. With all your energy, talent, creativity and imagination, you’d be an excellent addition to the workshop. GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. click I’ve got my fingers crossed for you Lilly. Which makes it pretty hard to type! I already love your blog but I know how much you love to learn so I really hope they pick you. You are hands down the most creative person I know. Good luck!!

  3. Woah, that video just made me swell with lots of love , a little bit of tears and made me feel so important to witness and be apart of your amazing life adventure. Good Luck Lilly! The Universe would be a fool to deny this opportunity!

  4. Lilly, This video was great! Kala got me into your blog and I think it is so amazing what you do. You are the most creative person ever and I envy your passion to continuously find new and exciting projects and then to share them with all of us! Keep it up and I sure hope you get your scholarship, no one deserves it more than you! Let us know if there is anything we can do to help. Miss you and Eagle 1. Hope to see you soon,

  5. You have endless potential Lil and you deserve this so much. I really look up to how much you follow through on all of your projects and how amazing everything always seems to come out. I’m lucky to be someone who gets to reap the rewards of your creativity and hard work. Also, I am still waiting to see if Jesse notices that everything I cook contains our Xmas batch of jalapeño jelly. YUM! Love you!
    Blogcademy people- Please pick Lilly! She really deserves it and will absorb all you can teach her and turn it into amazingness.

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