As I sit here with the day off today, my head is a swimming a bit. And no it’s not a champagne hangover… that was yesterday. I have so many ideas and things I want to do this year, but I am also thinking about how I would like more balance in my life. I want to have more fun, hang out with my friends and family more and be more present. The only big plans I have so far this year involve some travel and being a part of other people’s huge life events (a couple of weddings). I could just book the year up, but I’m not going to. I also just read Tasha Miller Griffith’s article in Seamwork about the Infinite List and it really spoke to me, so I am going to keep it simple again this year.
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Buy Cheap Tramadol Mastercard We still want to build a new fence that involves a hops trellis, so maybe that will happen this year! Take the Master Preserver’s Class– 3rd year on the list is the charm? go to link COOKING GOALS-
follow url Take classes at the Pantry?– I am really interested in the class offerings at the Pantry at Delancy, especially Molly Wizenberg’s food writing class. I tend to go a little class crazy sometimes and am already signed up for an 8 week ukulele class starting next week, so we’ll see what happens.
click here Get better at food photography– I really need to step up my food photography game. The lighting situation is challenging in my house, but I need to be less lazy and take the time to figure it out. There is talk of a kitchen remodel (think new/better surfaces and maybe a table by the window to shoot on), so that could be promising.
Buy Prescription Tramadol Without Continue going to knitting night– I’ve got the knitting bug bad now that I’ve completed my first sweater. It’s kind of all I want to do now. I want to make all the cute sweaters on Ravelry! Add to that how awesome all the ladies are at the Seattle Yarn knitting night and this is a very positive thing to look forward to in 2015.
go here Knit another sweater or two?– Owl Sweater by Kate Davies? Hetty by Andi Satterlund? I have quite the queue on Ravelry now.
Order Tramadol From Mexico Whittle away at my fabric stash– This is always a goal and I recently made a list of projects that I already have patterns and fabric for. I will be motivated by the desire to check things off. First on the list, a Negroni for Matt’s birthday!
go here OVERALL BLOG GOALS- Interviews– I still have a bunch of people I want to interview and one has already confirmed, so that’s exciting!
Order Tramadol With Paypal Videos– I was teaching myself Final Cut Pro last year, by watching video tutorials on I also got a video mic for Christmas, so the video front is making progress as well. Whatever this year brings, I am entering into it feeling positive, inspired, rested and ready. So bring it 2015!