Ava Wedding Dress- Final Dress

go here We got the photos from our amazing wedding photographer, Amy Kiel, so I can finally share my wedding dress with you guys! The first few photos I took in my studio on my dress form, but the rest are by Amy. There are posts about the planning and fitting (here and here) of this dress, if you want to read about that, but this post is mostly just pictures, and some details about the construction, of the dress.

Victory Patterns Ava wedding dress
The Details-

https://www.acp-online.org/image/buy-diazepam-10mg.php go to site Pattern- Victory Patterns Ava
https://www.mssbizsolutions.com/thkxxnn Main Fabric- Silk Shantung from Pacific Fabrics
click here Upper Dress Fabric- White Crafter’s Lace form Joann Fabrics
enter site Underlining Fabric- Silk Organza from Pacific Fabrics


https://www.iql-nog.com/2025/01/19/df9jhm703e https://www.infotonicsmedia.com/about/online-valium-reviews.php Started- 4/19/14
see url Completed- 8/31/14
https://hereisnewyorkv911.org/ch4oxwfbju1 Practice dress- 28 hrs.
follow Final Dress- 47 hrs.
enter site Total time- 75 hrs.

Victory Patterns Ava wedding dress

see url I’ll start by saying that making my own wedding dress was such a great experience for me and has to be my greatest sewing achievement so far. I learned so much. This dress was totally the style of wedding dress I wanted, and luckily it also happened to be within my skill level as well, so it worked out.

go here There was a lot of hand sewing involved that was time-consuming, but it was worth it for what it added to the final construction of the dress. I underlined the silk shantung with silk organza by hand basting them together, which helped the opacity of the dress and also added a heft and crispness to it. I then took each underlined piece and surged the edges I could and used fray check on the rest. Between the underlining and the fray check, the silk wasn’t too bad to sew at all!

click here I’m really proud of the way I finished the hem and the front and back necklines. I hand sewed the bias binding to the lining and also the hem to the underlining, so the thread would not show on the front. I’m also especially proud of my invisible zipper. I think it’s the best one I have ever done!

Victory Patterns Ava wedding dress
zipper detail

https://www.boasdeibiza.com/boat/indian-valium-online.php I enjoyed seeing all three versions of this dress (the muslin, wearable muslin and final dress) hanging together.

see url untitled-001-Edit

source Now on to Amy’s photos of me actually wearing my wedding dress on my wedding day!

Amy Kiel Photography, Victory Patterns Ava wedding dress
Getting ready. There’s that awesome invisible zipper again!- photo by Amy Kiel Photography
Amy Kiel Photography, Victory Patterns Ava wedding dress
back detail- photo by Amy Kiel Photography
Amy Kiel Photography, Victory Patterns Ava wedding dress
sweetheart neckline detail- photo by Amy Kiel Photography
Amy Kiel Photography, Victory Patterns Ava wedding dress
hem detail- photo by Amy Kiel Photography
Amy Kiel Photography, Victory Patterns Ava wedding dress
Matt and I’s “first look”- photo by Amy Kiel Photography
Amy Kiel Photography, Victory Patterns Ava wedding dress
photo by Amy Kiel Photography

follow site Flower who was my maid of honor extraordinaire, and was a huge part of part of planning our wedding, (as you will read in future posts about the party favors, decorations and desserts), had the foresight to thrift lovely fur stoles for me and the rest of the bridesmaids. She also made all of our amazing headpieces, but more on that later as well. I think the furs totally made the styling of the whole bridal party and they kept us toasty and warm all day, as it was chilly and rainy most of the day.

Amy Kiel Photography, Victory Patterns Ava wedding dress
photo by Amy Kiel Photography
Amy Kiel Photography, Victory Patterns Ava wedding dress
We did it!- photo by Amy Kiel Photography
Amy Kiel Photography, Victory Patterns Ava wedding dress
Thanking everyone for being there- photo by Amy Kiel Photography
Amy Kiel Photography, Victory Patterns Ava wedding dress
First dance- photo by Amy Kiel Photography
Amy Kiel Photography, Victory Patterns Ava wedding dress
photo by Amy Kiel Photography
Amy Kiel Photography, Victory Patterns Ava wedding dress
Showing off my crinoline- photo by Amy Kiel Photography
Amy Kiel Photography, Victory Patterns Ava wedding dress
I had so much fun dancing and swishing my skirt around all night!- photo by Amy Kiel Photography

https://riverhillcurrent.com/50by1nfwhve I won’t lie, this dress had some fit issues, but I am not going to point them out to you this time. Once again, this dress is “happily imperfect” (just like life), but I had a blast at my wedding, felt beautiful all day and danced the night away, which is exactly what I wanted to do. That’s all that matters, right?

13 thoughts on “Ava Wedding Dress- Final Dress

    1. source link Thanks Lin. There were moments where I thought it would never get done and wanted to just give up and buy a dress. I am so glad I didn’t though. It was such a great experience, gave me a real sense of pride and was really fun to dance in!

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