2019 Goals

https://tudiabetesbajocontrol.com/relanzam/buy-diazepam-powder.php Okay, my last post was maybe a little somber, but I swear this post will be way more upbeat. I am actually super excited about this year. Matt and I have dubbed 2019 “The Year of Getting Shit Done”. You know, all of the little nagging things that have been on our to-do lists forever. For him, it’s exhibiting his paintings and  for me it’s a lot of what’s listed below. This is the year we have vowed to finally check some of those things off the list! In fact, I have already started.

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Goal #1: Video

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https://osteopatiaamparoandres.com/m5zd78ht8 If you have been reading my blog for a while, then you know this has appeared in my goals over and over again for years. I have dabbled in video and even took an evening workshop, but I needed more to get me going, so I enrolled in this 10-week course. One big thing I needed help on was editing and this class is highly focused on that. The pattern so far is that one week in class we learn about shot types, shooting techniques, audio capture etc. and then that weekend, we go out and shoot, so we have footage to edit by the next class.  So it is actually making me shoot video AND edit. This skill will help me with my blog and social media of course, but I will also allow me to create content for work, so it’s very exciting for me.


Gardening/Urban Farming Goals

Trim trees so yard gets more sun.

https://www.infotonicsmedia.com/about/valium-online-prescription.php This has also been on my list before. It’s a real problem that gets worse and worse every year. It makes me not want to garden anymore because things don’t grow well with no sun, but 2019 is the year we GET SHIT DONE, so this will no longer be a problem soon. 🙂

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Build Greenhouse

Buy Generic Diazepam Online Matt has been collecting windows and supplies for this and I think we have almost all of what we need, so this is the year we make it happen. I say “we” even though he will do most of the work. Isn’t marriage great that way?

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Get new chicks

https://www.pslra.org/eaqztpw Sadly, the last chicken from our original flock died last weekend. She was the Buff Orpington (the orange one) in the video above. I am so glad I got that video before she was gone. She was twelve years old, which is incredibly old for a chicken. Matt and I were constantly amazed at how long she hung on; she lived well over a year longer than the her sisters. Now that we are down to three chickens, have room for a few more, and still have all the supplies we need (like the brooder boxes and heat lamp), we’re planning on getting some chicks this spring.

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Sewing Goals

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https://www.accessoriesresourceteam.org/art/buy-diazepam-2mg-online-uk.php I’ve already started on this and sewed my first pair of activewear leggings this month. I will blog about them soon even though they are kind of a hot mess. I consider myself to be a pretty active person and am in bad need of workout clothes, so this is the year I am making activewear a priority. If anyone has any activewear patterns they love, please let me know!

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go I’ve been slowly collecting everything I need to make a Kelly Anorak. I bought this Ultrex from Seattle Fabrics, have the pattern with the lining expansion and hardware kit, so now I just need to figure out what I am doing for the lining, get those supplies and make a muslin. This is going to be a big project that needs to be able to withstand cold, rainy Seattle winters, but if I do it right, this will be something I wear all the time.



https://www.prestoavenuedesigns.com/save/buy-star-diazepam.php I got super close to sewing a Sophie Swimsuit last year. I have everything I need. I even sketched out my color blocking options and traced the pattern. Then summer ended, so I tabled it for more seasonally appropriate sewing and unselfish sewing for Christmas presents. This should be an easy one to roll into since I have done so much of the groundwork already and will be in activewear mode already. I am predicting lots of synthetic fibers in my future this year.

Attend 2019 Camp Workroom Social

https://www.acp-online.org/image/real-valium-online.php Always the highlight of my year. You can probably tell by how many times I mention it throughout the year. This will be the 5th anniversary, and my 5th year in a row, so I haven’t missed a single one. Can’t stop now!

Knitting Goals


Knit 2nd Okanogan Sock

Order Tramadol From Mexico Knit the other damn sock. Doood…the first one took FOREVER, but I am going to motivate myself to finish this quickly, by not letting myself start any other knitting projects. I will love these damn socks when they are finished.

Knit Weekender Sweater

https://opponix.com/j2eewa9r8u7 My reward for finishing the Okanogan Sock. It’s going to be SO HARD not to start this since I have the pattern and the yarn already.

Buying Tramadol In Mexico Matt keeps asking me for a sweater too, so he is next in the knitting queue. I still need to pick a pattern and get yarn though, so if anyone has any good men’s sweater pattern recommendations, I would love to hear them.

go Matt and I have other personal goals for this year having to do with travel, fitness and projects around the house (that aren’t gardening or craft related), so I won’t bore you with those details. I’m just going to start with these goals and see how the year goes. I learned a long time ago not to set too many unrealistic goals. It’s also nice to stay a bit open for those last-minute opportunities that may pop up. Either way, I am starting the year energized, excited, and hopeful and that’s the best I could hope for!

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2 thoughts on “2019 Goals

    1. Tramadol Overnight Mastercard Oh geez. I guess that’s the thing about gardening in the same place for many years. I should have anticipated it, but totally didn’t. And you should totally come to Camp Workroom Social, that would be so fun! Get on the mailing list if you aren’t already. Spots go fast!

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