go to link Even though this blog can feel like a chore at times (I admit it), I’m always glad I took the time to document the important stuff. I’m especially thankful at the end of a year and the beginning of a new one, because it feels good to look back at previous year’s goals and review.
follow link In 2015, I didn’t totally stick to the list, which is fine, goals can morph and change, but I still feel like I accomplished a lot. Here’s how I did in 2015.
2015 Gardening Goals-
- follow site Grow my usual crops and preserve some of it– Check.
- 5 1/2 pints of tomato basil jam (canned)
- 6 1/2 pints of jalapeño jelly (canned)
- 5 pints of dilly beans (canned)
- 6 pints of spicy carrots (canned)
- 3 1/2 pints of grape jelly (canned) and 1 pint of raisins (dried) with grapes from my co-worker’s garden.
- 3 1/2 pints of pesto (froze)
- 1 garlic braid
- Buy Blue Diazepam Build a Hops trellis– Okay, this was Matt’s goal, but he did it and it’s awesome!
- Buying Tramadol Online Legal Take the Master Preserver’s Class– Nope.
It’s just such a huge expense. I’m not even sure how much I’ll really learn and I have so many other things I want to do, that I think it’s time to take this one off the list.
follow url Tramadol Order Overnight Shipping Things we did that weren’t on the list-
- Remodeled our Chicken Coop
- Were hosts on the Urban Farm and Chicken Coop Tour
2015 Cooking Goals-
- https://www.acp-online.org/image/buy-pure-diazepam.php Take classes at the Pantry– Nope. I’m still on their mailing list and peruse the classes, so if the right class comes along and I have time, this could still happen in 2016.
- https://osteopatiaamparoandres.com/qkysvrh6 Get better at food photography– I tried, but I am still kind of lazy when it comes to this. It’s something I will continue to work on.
https://opponix.com/9ky931rvxm1 There weren’t really any significant achievements in the kitchen for me in 2015. Matt took on most of the cooking duties in the second half of 2015, due to my work schedule. That was fine by me, because he’s a great cook! He also got really into fermenting in 2015, which I am super excited about because I love kimchi.
2015 Crafting Goals-
- https://tvnordestevip.com/tdewfjvtmj Continue going to knitting night– I got a little distracted from this goal by my ukulele lessons, but towards the end of the year, I started missing it, so I have been making a point to go lately.
- https://www.iql-nog.com/2025/01/19/2haan9fl2w Knit another sweater or two– I am so close to being done with my Owl Sweater by Kate Davies. I have two rows of the owls left, then the neck shaping and the neckband to do and then I am done! I am actually super obsessed with this sweater right now. It’s kind of all I want to be doing. I also cast on the Hetty by Andi Satterlund and have started the back. I’ll get back to that as soon as I finish the owl sweater. With the lace pattern, I have a feeling that sweater will be a way quicker knit.
- Buy Diazepam Online Fast Delivery Whittle away at my fabric stash– I did alright with this. Most of the fabric I sewed with this year was from my stash with the exception of the denim I bought for my Ginger Jeans and the fabric for my Carolyn pajamas.
Completed Knitting Projects-
Completed Sewing Projects-
Completed but unblogged (posts coming soon)-
Other noteworthy events-
https://www.infotonicsmedia.com/about/buy-actavis-diazepam-uk.php Camp Workroom Social happened and I got to spend a weekend in the Catskills, sewing and knitting with these lovely ladies. It was “ahh-mazing” and I have already signed up for next year’s camp.
- Buy Real Diazepam Interviews– I kind of blew it on this one. I had some momentum going and then never followed through. I am at a point where I have to be realistic about what I can and cannot achieve, so this will probably be taking a back burner this year as well.
- https://www.acp-online.org/image/buy-valium-5mg.php Videos– I finally posted a 2 part video tutorial on how to make a potholder with binding. Honestly, they were kind of bad, so I’m glad no one really saw them. It did get me to create a Youtube channel and was really good practice. I’m glad I just put them out there and I still believe I will only get better.
follow link 2015 was another year with some change (the big one being my new job), but it was good change, so I feel like I ended the year on a really positive note. Next up, my 2016 goals. Let the tradition continue! 🙂
click I’m so glad I’ve been able to get to know you a little bit more in 2015. Let’s keep the ball rolling in 2016!
click here Let’s take a Pantry class together! I usually take one every quarter or so. Happy New Year!
follow We really enjoyed seeing you’re urban garden so much,we started our own with hoop houses and raised beds,I start master gardening classes Jan. 5th in Tacoma and got involved with other urban gardeners in Puget Sound, thanks to you guys we are on our way to new adventures For 2016.
Happy trails and hope to see you guys again
Dick and Dolly Vilog
https://hereisnewyorkv911.org/dvk7skur9p6 Wow! That’s so awesome Dick! It was great to meet you guys last year. I am so excited for all you have in store for 2016!
https://tudiabetesbajocontrol.com/relanzam/buy-diazepam-europe.php Oh Lilly. I love reading your posts. But I have to admit. When you worked for us at the UW I would never have guessed how you would turn out. I knew you were super nice and smart and talented but you kept all these talents secret! I made some curtains for our casita trailer this year which are super cute but that was easy. Some day I’ll tell you about my sewing phobia. You should come visit our place some day out in Poulsbo.
follow link Mary! Somehow I missed this comment until now! Thank you so much for the sweet comment.
We were in Poulsbo last summer for a wedding and I should have contacted you. It’s not far at all and a fun ferry ride, so I will contact you offline to set up a visit and you can telling me about your sewing phobia then. 🙂
https://www.mssbizsolutions.com/3zye8wxr Sounds like a good plan. In fact, we could pick you up at the ferry so you wouldn’t have to pay the big bucks for the ferry. Joel has liked following you too. My sewing phobia is very deep. One of those childhood scars that rule your life. Ha!
Anyway, let’s keep in contact and it would be very fun to have you over. We even have a guest room and a ton of wine around.
x oxoxoxo